Monday, February 21, 2011


Many of you out there have sinus issues which can make life more difficult than it needs to be. I have had stuffed up sinuses my entire life. When I was younger I went to see many different doctors and took every prescription known to man, yet none of them worked. I was turned onto the NETI POT a few weeks ago by Swamijohnna and my breathing and sinus issues are gone. If you are constantly stuffed up or have seasonal allergies, this may be for you. I went from being constantly congested with breathing difficulty to having completely clear sinuses in just a few minutes. It takes less than five minutes daily and works better than any prescription medication ever could, of course with no side effects. Below is the explanation from the Himalayan Institute on why and how the NETI POT works.

Why a Nasal Wash
The nasal passages are lined with a thin layer of mucus that is one of our body's first lines of defense against disease. A nasal wash keeps this layer of mucus moist, clean and healthy. And compared to other nasal wash techniques, using the Neti Pot™ is easy. A nasal wash can be as routine as brushing your teeth.

Rinsing with saline solution is a time-honored practice in the Orient. Here in the West, the nasal wash has been used for decades as a means of treating sinus problems, colds, allergies, and post-nasal drip and to counteract the effect of environmental pollution. Those practicing yoga and other meditative disciplines use the nasal wash to ensure free air flow through both nostrils.

A Healthy Nose
Breathing through the nose filters and conditions the incoming air. The nasal passages are lined with a thin layer of mucus that traps dirt, dust, and pollen and moves steadily to the rear of the nasal cavity and settles in the throat, where it is swallowed. Saline nasal rinses carry some of these impurities out of the body before they reach your stomach.

They also keep this protective layer of mucus functioning properly. If the mucus becomes too thick and dry or too thin and runny, it is easier for bacteria and viruses to penetrate the nasal lining and cause the swelling and excess discharge of mucus we call a “cold.” That’s why gargling or sniffing a little salt water at the first sign of a cold is a staple of folk medicine and why health-conscious people in India use a small pot of saline to rinse the nasal passages. The Neti Pot™ continues these time-tested traditions of hygiene.

Uses for the Nasal Wash
For some people, the nasal wash is as routine as brushing their teeth. Others use it for specific purposes. Suggestions:

Do the nasal wash to wake up, clear your nostrils, and start the day breathing freely.
Use it to remove excess mucus when you are experiencing nasal congestion.
Do it several times a day during the allergy season to rid the nostrils of pollen and other allergens.
Use the nasal wash when you’ve been exposed to soot, dust, smoke, or other airborne contaminants.
Use it to dissolve mucus build-up in dry climates or in air-conditioned or heated rooms, or after air travel.
Do the nasal wash before practicing systematic relaxation techniques or meditation to help you breathe freely and easily through your nose.
Remember, the nasal wash is not a substitute for medical treatment. Anyone with chronic inflammation of the nasal passages or other ear, nose, or throat disorders should seek medical attention.

Five reasons why the Neti Pot™ makes sense

1.Soothes dry nasal passages
2.Gently washes away dust, pollen, and environmental irritants
3.Offsets the effects of breathing dry indoor air (especially in winter)
4.Removes excess mucus…naturally
5.Helps you breathe freer when practicing yoga or meditation


(NaturalNews) The "caramel coloring" used to color all the top cola brands isn't natural caramel coloring at all. Instead, it's made by reacting sugars with ammonia and sulfites at high temperatures. This reaction results in the formation of 2-methylimidazole and 4-methylimidazole, both of which are chemicals documented by the U.S. government to cause cancer in mammals.

This is all coming to light thanks to an effort by the CSPI, which has now filed a regulatory petition to ban these chemicals from colas (

The National Toxicology Program has conducted animal studies on these toxic chemicals found in colas, concluding there is "clear evidence" that 2-MI and 4-MI are animal carcinogens.

The call to ban these chemicals from use in foods was joined by five carcinogenesis experts who said, "The American public should not be exposed to any cancer risk whatsoever as a result of consuming such chemicals, especially when they serve a non-essential, cosmetic purpose." (

That letter explains:

4-methylimidazole (4-MI) causes lung tumors in male and female mice and mononuclear cell leukemia in female rats. Other NTP studies found that 2-methylimidazole caused liver tumors in male and female mice, thyroid tumors in male mice, and precancerous thyroid changes in female mice. In rats, 4-MI caused an increased rate of tumors in thyroid follicular cells in females and an increased rate of hyperplasia in thyroid follicular cells in males.

Even the term "caramel coloring" is extremely misleading to consumers, because most people think it's related to caramel candy, which is made by browning sugar under heat. But the "caramel coloring" used in colas is made by exposing sugars to industrial chemicals (ammonia and sulfites), resulting in a cocktail of cancer-causing chemicals.

Coke and Pepsi products may soon bear cancer warnings in California
California's Proposition 65 law limits the consumption of 4-MI to no more than 16 micrograms per day from a single product. Yet colas contain roughly 200 micrograms of 4-MI in a 20-ounce bottle.

That's over 12 times the allowable limit under Proposition 65, and that's in every bottle! Many people drink several bottles a day, further multiplying their exposure to this potential carcinogen.

If cola companies are going to continue to sell their products in California, then, they must now carry cancer warning labels in order to be in compliance with Prop 65. You can bet that a desperate effort is now under way by the cola industry to lobby California regulators and make sure 4-MI gets removed from any enforcement of Prop 65.

The cola industry wants everybody to think its products are wholesome and natural while forgetting about the health effects of phosphoric acid, aspartame and high-fructose corn syrup. Now, with 2-methylimidazole and 4-methylimidazole in the picture, there's yet another potentially cancer-causing chemical to worry about in colas.

Obviously, 2-MI and 4-MI can be avoided by drinking non-colored soft drinks, but those still contain phosphoric acid, high-fructose corn syrup, caffeine and even aspartame in diet sodas.

It turns out, there's no such thing as a perfectly safe soda. All sodas and soft drinks carry health risks related to their ingredients. I have no doubt that this era of diabetes, obesity and cancer we're living through right now is due in large part to the widespread consumption of sodas and soft drinks.

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