The list of supplements I have been taking for the last few days is extensive. It is a full time job keeping up with all of it. Here is the list..... Ill post a link next to the supplement in case anyone wants to know the purpose or what it is.
- Maitake Fraction 3 times per day.
- Burbur taken 3 times daily
- Ultra Fulvic Minerals and Ultra Humic Minerals both taken once daily mixed with Monavie active and Monavie immune
- Medicalicious protein shake
- ACIS 4-32 20 drops applied to forearms and stomach, 3 times daily. It is used for the stimulation of the immune system
- ACIS 5-22 20 drops applied to forearms and stomach, 3 times daily. Also used for the stimulation of the immune system
- CNCR 3 taken 3 times per day
- Organic Flax Oil taken 3 times daily
- Taurine taken twice daily
- End Chain B vitamins taken twice daily
- Methlyation I taken 3 times daily
- Methlylation II taken 3 times daily
- Trans D Tropin taken 3 times daily This one is sweet! It makes your body produce growth hormone which most humans stop production of at around the age of 20. If you see me next time and I am 6 ft 3 inches and way 220, this is why.
- Castor Oil pack used daily to detoxify the liver
- Pharmaceutical grade Multivitamin twice daily
The pharmacuetical companies really are quite brilliant when it comes to poisoning all of us. First they inject us with their poison when we are infants through there vaccines. ( Mercury poisoning is being linked to almost every chronic disease known to man) then we take their pills throughout our life for just about anyything. These drugs mask symptoms of a deeper issues ( usually the drugs have 15 or more negative side effects and damage our bodies natural defense systems) We then contract some sort of disease such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis etc... where the drug companies are happy to poison us with those as well, while trying to suppress the information out there for prevention, natural healing remedies and cures which have been used successfully for hundreds, if not thousands of years. The information is really quite shocking!!!!
Here is an article that was on today about the American Cancer Society.
The American Cancer Society is a joke!!!!!! It is one of the most corrupt organizations on the planet. It is basically a front to push the large pharmacuetical companies agendas onto people that look to them for information, care etc..... Do your research as well before you donate or participate in their functions. I will provide more information on the corruption of this organization soon. I hope everyone is doing well!!!!!