Friday, June 4, 2010


I was talking to another patient in at the clinic about the state of modern medicine. He is now paralyzed from a flu shot and has nothing but time to do research. We were talking about "traditional" vs " alternative". He brought the point that the traditional methods used in the Western world have only been used for about 100 years. For the previous six thousand or so years on this planet we relied on plants, herbs, exercise and clean food to stay healthy. Thousands of years ago, Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine said "Let thy Food be thy Medicine and thy Medicine be thy Food." I was wondering how and why we shifted so heavily to the modern age of medicine where doctors study disease, with little knowledge of actual health. I did some digging and found some very interesting information. Believe it or not, the reason this started goes back to John D Rockefeller.

Most of the information in this post came from the book CANCER STEP OUTSIDE THE BOX by TY BOLLINGER. THIS IS THE MOST INFORMATIVE BOOK ON THE CANCER INDUSTRY HANDS DOWN! I forgot how to site sources properly so this is my poor attempt to give credit where credit is due.

John D Rockefeller, the oil tycoon, had his hand in many different ventures. Two others that helped create his wealth were chemical and pharmaceutical companies. This was never mentioned growing up learning about the Rockefeller's and their vast fortunes. Rockefeller's goal was to dominate the oil, chemical and pharmaceutical markets, so Standard Oil purchased controlling interest in a huge German drug/chemical company called I. G. Farben. A little background on this company to help set up this story. I.G. Farben was the single largest donor to the election campaign of Adolph Hitler. I.G. Farben was the single largest profiteer of the German conquest of the world during WWII.

I.G. Auschwitz, a 100% subsidiary of I.G. Farben, was the largest industrial complex of the world for manufacturing gasoline and rubber for the conquest of Europe. Auschwitz used concentration camp prisoners as slave labor in their factory. When the prisoners could no longer perform their duties at work, they were shipped off to be gassed using Zyklon B, which was also made my I.G. Farben. One of the major board members of the time was quoted as saying " our new friendship with the SS is a blessing. We have determined all measures integrating the concentration camps to benefit our company." I.G. Farben used the prisoners of the concentration camps as human guinea pigs. Tens of thousands of prisoners died from testing vaccines. Pretty good bunch of people huh?

After the war, instead of being sent to prison or sentenced to death in their role in the murders of those at the Auschwitz concentration camp, the Bayer Corporation hired a number of the I.G. Farben board members to serve on their board. Fritz ter Meer, an I.G. Farben board member and convicted war criminal was appointed chairman of the board of the Bayer Corp. ( a side note on Bayer, further explaining the type of people that run these pharmaceutical companies. In the 1980's Bayer came out with a drug for hemophiliacs, it was discovered the drug was contaminated with the AIDS virus. It is well documented that Bayer new about this yet still sold it overseas. They did decide against selling it in the United States. Selling a drug contaminated with the AIDS virus to Americans is bad PR. The rest of the world, not so much. Tens of thousands were infected with AIDS and died as a result.)

This ties the story together as to why we are in our current state of prescribing drugs as the most prevalent way of treating patients. In 1910, Rockefeller felt he needed to reeducate the medical profession to prescribe more drugs. He hired a man named Abraham Flexner to travel the country and assess the success of US medical schools. The results of this study were predetermined. Flexner submitted a report to the Carnegie Foundation entitled " Medical Education in the United States and Canada." Flexner concluded that it was far too easy to start a medical school and that most medical schools were not teaching sound medicine. What he meant is that they were not prescribing enough drugs. Flexner insisted it was necessary to install a doorkeeper to determine which medical schools were allowed through the medical door and which ones would remain outside. The report was taken to Congress, they fell for the bullshit. The AMA became the doorkeeper and was empowered to determine which medical schools were properly following " the standards of conventional medicine" and which ones were not. With Rockefeller, the most powerful man on the planet, not to mention the wealthiest really pulling the strings.

The predetermined purpose of the Flexner Report was to label doctors who didn't prescribe drugs as " charlatans" and "quacks". Unbelievable this still works today. I have heard the term quack from a few doctors I know referring to the type of doctor I am currently seeing. He does not prescribe drugs, they do, huh? Rockefeller's genius is working 100 years later. I guess JD didn't become a billionaire by accident. Scandalous shit!! Medical schools that offered courses in natural therapies and homeopathy were told to either drop their courses or lose accreditation. The total number of accredited schools was cut in half between 1910 and 1944. The result of the Flexner report was that all accredited medical schools became heavily oriented toward drugs and drug research. Both of which would pad Rockefeller's pockets. This shift had nothing to do with the health of the patients, it was all about money and still is.

Dr. Samuel Epstein, author of Cancer Gate: How To Win the Losing Cancer War states over the past century the American Cancer Society, National Cancer Institute and the American Medical Association have all become corroded with major institutional and personal conflicts of interest with Big Pharma. A recent NCI director who wished to be unnamed stated " the NCI has become a government pharmaceutical company". Dr Epstein states the Cancer Industry is suppressing mountains of information about environmental causes of cancer rather than making the info available to the pubic. I have to believe this to be true since the doctor I am seeing is a huge proponent of the toxic effects from the environment being the main causes of almost all chronic disease. He also uses natual treatments rather than prescribing bullshit drugs that kill patients. The clinic has received bomb threats on more than one occasion. The nurses have told me they have received death threats as well the doctor. The doctor was trained in special forces in the army previous to this so I think they are bit reluctant to try physical intimidation with him as they have with so many other doctors who have found natural ways of curing cancer. Again, do your own research, this all sounds a bit crazy, and until about two months ago I would not have believed any of it myself.

Here is a great quote by Adolph Hitler that relates to the big business of Cancer and the pharmaceutical industry in general. " If you tell a lie long enough, eventually it will believed as truth... the greater the lie, the more likely that people will believe it" 25 percent of commercials on tv are for prescription drugs. The United States is one of only 2 countries in the world where pharmaceutical companies are allowed to advertise on TV. Is this not disturbing? A profitable business will never try and eliminate itself. Do you think the pharmaceutical industry, with profits in the tens of BILLIONS per year really wants to find a safe, non toxic, cheap cure for cancer, or for anything else they make drugs for? DOUBT IT!!!!!! Would it then be reasonable to believe that they would do anything in their power to suppress their competition????????? If alternative cancer treatments were to become mainstream, millions of pharmaceutical reps and researchers would lose their jobs, shareholder profits would dry up and CEO's lose the golden parachutes. It is in the best interest of Big Pharm for you to remain in the dark to the truth about all of this. THIS IS SOME FUCKED UP SHIT!!! I would have never guessed the reason western medicine has become so corrupt started with John D Rockefeller. It all makes complete sense though! Do your own research if this is something that interests you. Ask your own questions. Like why when you go to the doctor, you get five minutes of their time and leave with a prescription virtually ever time. Auto mechanics spend more time diagnosing problems with our cars than our doctors do our bodies. Something is wrong with that!!!!!!!

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