Monday, September 6, 2010


This post is in response to our friend Ross from Dupont who somehow found this blog and made a comment on the post about the safety of cookware. He posted a link that claiming the FDA and other regulatory agencies came to the conclusion Teflon is safe to cook with.

The article you sent about the safety of Teflon is a complete joke! Lets use some common sense here when determining if heated plastic fumes leaching into our food is safe. The FDA is the most corrupt regulatory agency in the US, possibly the planet. The FDA also allows drugs that are known killers to be marketed to the public without being properly tested. This same regulatory agency allows doctors to inject infants with mercury and persecutes doctors who are curing cancer through natural, non toxic means (My doctor included). These same regulatory agency allows farmers to inject cows and pigs with growth hormone and antibiotics that cause cancer and other defects in humans. I can continue for hours why trusting these regulatory agencies you speak of is complete nonsense.

The DuPont industry is one of the leading producers of chemicals that have been proven to cause cancer. The DuPont company has known about it's products promoting cancer since the 1930's when it was found that workers in their plants making dyes had extremely high rates of bladder cancer. The DuPont company covered up this information from the public and the workers who were being affected. They also had representatives on the board of the American Cancer Society and National Cancer Institute covering up the fact that their products 100 percent were responsible for spikes in cancer rates. If any of you would like to know more about the DuPont company and it's history of covering up cancer causing agents it produces, read the book THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE WAR ON CANCER by DEVRA DAVIS. The information in this book is appalling!!!!!!!! DuPont is directly incriminated in the book!!!!!! DuPont does not give a fuck about anyone or anything but profits!!!!! There track record proves this. Many of their chemicals are responsible for the skyrocketing rates of cancer in this country.

Dupont is also one of the main manufacturers of mammogram diagnostic tools which produce extremely high radiation in women. Sadly the public has been brainwashed to think these are necessary and life saving. Nothing could be further from the truth!!!!!

Dr. Samuel S. Epstein, chairman of the Cancer Prevention Coalition, warns that the American Cancer Society has close financial ties to the makers of mammography equipment. Five radiologists have served as presidents of the American Cancer Society (ACS).

In its every move, the ACS promotes the interests of the major manufacturers of mammogram machines and films, including Siemens, DUPONT , General Electric, Eastman Kodak, and Piker.

This bias hypes mammography, which Dr. Epstein and Dr. Rosalie Bertell emphasize is an avoidable cause of breast cancer itself.

According to World Wire:

“Routine mammography delivers an unrecognized high dose of radiation, warn Dr's. Epstein and Bertell. If a woman follows the current guidelines for premenopausal screening, over a 10 year period she would receive a total dosage of about 5 rads. This approximates the level of exposure to radiation of a Japanese woman one mile from the epicenter of atom bombs dropped on Hiroshima or Nagasaki

Do your research about the DuPont company and their products. See for yourself what they are all about. If you feel it is safe to inhale toxic plastic fumes when cooking, go ahead and buy Teflon. If you think receiving unnecessarily high levels of radiation from mammograms, go get one. Make your own INFORMED DECISION!!!!!

My question to you Ross from Dupont is how you sleep at night knowing you are spreading misinformation to the public so your large, corrupt corporation can make larger profits while the consumers you market to are slowly poisoned by your products? I feel bad for you that have chosen to make a living spreading lies to increase shareholder profits of a company with a long history of causing cancer and covering it up. Sadly, one day you or your family will be affected with cancer and it most likely will be partly due to the products you claim are safe.

Thank you Ross for posting that comment and showing the readers the types of bullshit PR techniques big corporations use to question data incriminating their products as being harmful. I would invite you to post comments anytime on this blog. You have done a great job in helping me prove my point, big corporations care about profit and profit alone. Human safety is secondary. Thank you for your help, you truly have provided us a valuable lesson!!!!!!!!!!

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